Truebill will cancel unwanted subscriptions on your behalf. If you want to monitor more categories or have transactions sync instantly, you need to sign up for a paid subscription, which starts at $3 per month and includes additional premium services like:
Additionally, on the free plan, your transactions only sync once per day as opposed to in real-time.
The app is free to download and use, with the limitation that you can only monitor two custom budget categories (which allow you to get alerts throughout the month regarding your spending in a specific category). Truebill ranks as our favorite budgeting app thanks to the excellent user experience it provides. Learn more: Get to know the free app’s many valuable tools in our Personal Capital review. What it costs: Personal Capital’s financial tracking tools are free, but the company’s wealth management services - which are only available to users with $100,000 or more invested on the platform - have an advisory fee. Who it’s for: Those with a positive net worth who want advanced insights into their overall financial picture. Why we like it: Personal Capital syncs all of your accounts and uses real data (not estimates) to help you understand whether you’re on track to reach your financial goals. What it does: Helps you manage your budget and investments, and lets you use its tools to analyze various aspects of your spending, as well the progress of your saving goals (like retirement). The app and web dashboard are free to use you don’t need to have money invested with Personal Capital to access the features mentioned above. You can see your net worth, account balances, monthly income and expenses, retirement savings, investment balances and more all in a single dashboard (as shown in the screenshot below). The app offers several functions, including budgeting, portfolio tracking, cash management and best-in-class financial calculators that can help you set and reach financial goals. Personal Capital is a one-stop shop for managing your personal finances.